Navigating the Storms with Faith

Life can be unpredictable, can't it? One moment, everything seems smooth sailing, and the next, we're caught in a storm that rocks our faith to its core. It's during these tumultuous times that our faith can feel shaken, especially when we see those we once looked up to falter or walk away from the path. But let's take a deep breath together and remind ourselves that our journey as followers of Christ isn't about the calm seas but about who is guiding us through the storm.

When uncertainty approaches, it's easy to feel lost and alone. Yet, it's in these very moments that we are called to lean into our faith and trust in the Lord. Proverbs 3:5-6 gently reminds us to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Trust isn't about having all the answers; it's about knowing who holds the answers. Even when we can't see the way forward, God is already there, preparing our path.

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2112 Hits

Behind the Scenes at Life Today TV

Stand By…. 3…2…1

I have truly cherished this new season at Life Today TV. I feel incredibly blessed to have this amazing opportunity to grow in the gifts the Lord has given me, both professionally and spiritually. There’s no place I’d rather be than in the midst of a great adventure.

From day one, the best advice I received before walking on set was: be yourself and have fun! That was a game changer for me, and exactly what I needed to hear. No pressure! No expectations! Just let the Lord lead you. The three easiest things for me to do…to be myself, to have fun and to let the Lord lead me!

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1910 Hits

Unexpected Adventures

Today was an unexpected adventure in hosting solo again at Life Today TV. I got the call a couple hours before taping, that my co-host Randy Robison was sick with the flu and could I do a couple interviews alone today (without being fully prepared to do them by myself) with Christian Recording Artist Iveth Luna and also pastors Debbie Morris and her daughter Elaine Fisher from Gateway Church in Dallas, TX.

While some nerves crept in thinking I wasn’t fully prepared to do these on my own, I fought to embrace the call to step up in this moment and trust that the Lord would give me what I needed. Jesus take ALL the wheels! 😄

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1482 Hits


As I sit down to reflect on the whirlwind of experiences that have shaped my recent weeks, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and purpose. My journey has taken me from the vibrant lights of the television studio as a Co-host of the TV show "Life Today" to the heart-wrenching realities of Ethiopia, where I witnessed the heartbreaking struggles of families grappling with hunger and malnutrition.

Week after week, I have the privilege of meeting incredible people, each with their own unique stories and biblical insights to share. From renowned authors to incredible pastors and powerful testimonies, every interview brings new perspectives and deepens my relationship with Jesus.

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1070 Hits

Tammy Hosting on Life Today TV

Tammy Trent Hosting on Life Today TV

This was such a special day for me at Life Today TV! 

It was my first time to actually interview 2 guests on my own and also tape a 30 minute water for life missions special by myself too!  Eeekkkk!!  Talk about nervous and a little scared!  But at the same time, I felt totally at peace knowing I was right where God had equipped and called me to be...and I was fully in the moment. Nerves and all. 

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3202 Hits

Popular Christian Recording Artist, Speaker & Author Tammy Trent Joins Christian Talk Show LIFE Today TV as New Co-Host


Nashville, TN: Popular Christian recording artist Tammy Trent has been ministering to audiences around the world through her music since signing her first record deal in 1995. Starting December 2022, television audiences will see more of Tammy as she becomes the new co-host on the daily Christian TV show LIFE Today alongside the current hosts James and Betty Robison and their son co-host Randy Robison.

Tammy Trent has been a familiar voice on Christian radio since her music career began with hit songs such as “Your Love is 4 Always”, “Welcome Home”, "Run to The Cross”, “It’s All About You”, and “My Irreplaceable”.  Tragically on September 11, 2001 as America endured one of its greatest attacks, Tammy endured her own personal tragedy and loss when her husband of 11 years was killed in a scuba diving accident while on a mission trip in Jamaica. 

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Saturday Morning Coffee Shops

Tammy Trent

It’s 7:00am on a beautiful cool crisp sunny Saturday morning and I’m sitting in a coffee shop alone in downtown Nashville trying to “hold it all in”….but my tears testify in this photo.

Soo many things encompassing my life the last couple months, has felt like a big ole pile of stress, anxiety and disappointment. I’ve been overwhelmed to say the least. And if one more thing arises I might need to sit in an empty room and rock back and forth until it all goes away….OR I could also just sit on a beach somewhere! That seems more like my style!

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6889 Hits

Chill in the Air!

I feel it all around me. The hot breath of summer has slowly changed to a refreshing chill in the air.

Change. There’s that word again!

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11467 Hits

Will Your Anchor Hold?

Will Your Anchor Hold?

All of us have faith, but will your anchor of faith hold in the storms of life?

Is your anchor of faith a true anchor? Is your faith built upon the truth of scripture? Is your faith tested? Do you know how valuable, revealing and full of love a faith in Christ is?

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5550 Hits

9/11 - 20 Years Later, Never Forgetting

Tammy Trent & Husband

Here we are again...September 11th. 20 years ago, on this day, I got the phone call that I had dreaded getting all night long the night before….”Tammy, we found Trent.” He was about 100’ below the water in Jamaica’s Blue Lagoon, still hanging onto his underwater scooter, and it appears something had struck him on the back of the head while he was free diving. And he didn’t survive. He didn’t make it. He was gone.

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11650 Hits

Where Is My Blessing?

Earthly blessings are temporary; they can all be taken away. And oh what pain and disappointment that can bring. Job’s blessings all disappeared in one fateful day. I, too, had a wonderful life that was stripped away within seconds. My husband was gone and my dreams were shattered.

And yet, in the midst of those painful days that followed, I began to experience God’s truest and richest blessings. My faith was growing stronger than I had experienced before. I felt a deeper love than I had ever known. I began a more intimate walk than I could explain. It was just us. Jesus and me...on the road of understanding, discovering and healing. My trials grounded my faith in ways that prosperity and abundance never could.

We all long to know that God is for us and with us and in us. Yes, great relationships, financial wealth, good health and maybe even a bucket list trip are all wonderful gifts that we can thank God for, BUT they are not His “greatest” blessings.

Always remember, that God’s GREATEST blessings ALWAYS start and rest in God Himself and they will always draw us closer to Him and the eternal. When we have and understand that, we have everything and are truly truly blessed through it all.

James 1:17 ~
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."

A fellow traveler -

Tammy Trent

4364 Hits

Be Still And Know

Life is full of movement. If we are moving, we are living. Yet movement can also be exhausting—physically and mentally.

In some ways, movement can be paralyzing. We can feel stuck because though we're moving all over the place it might not seem like there's any real direction or meaning behind it. We know we're moving, but we wonder if we're really getting anywhere.

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8039 Hits

Finding Some Kind Of Joy

Finding Joy can be a challenge for alot of people. Especially during a year long pandemic when nothing has been normal. But when I talk about joy, I’m not doing so from the perspective of a bubbly person who never seems to have a bad day or questions WHY! Many of us think that joy means feeling good all the time. That’s impossible! Even for those who are naturally upbeat and optimistic, that’s impossible.

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16310 Hits

Honoring My Friend Who Was Just Killed in a Plane Crash!

Shelli Huether Honor Run, Walk, and Fundraiswer

On September 8th, mine and Anita's precious friend Lieutenant Colonel Shelli Huether was killed in a plane crash here in TN, along with 2 other airman. Shelli started her military career in the Texas Air National Guard as a Navigator and has deployed five times. Her current assignment was with the 118th Airlift Wing in Nashville TN. Shelli had a servant's heart and spent countless hours volunteering with the USO, Operation Stand Down, and many other charities and non-profit organizations. She leaves behind soo many including her husband Brian and 8yr old daughter Josie and 5 yr old son Levi. Please pray for them on the journey ahead.

Anita has put together the Shelli Huether Honor Run, Walk, and Fundraiser to raise money for two charities...

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7937 Hits

God Can't Redeem What We Will Not Release

Often we hold on soo tightly to things in our lives or our own way of thinking because we don’t want to change or it’s just soo hard to let go.

But God can't redeem what we will not release.

Maybe we forget that He still holds the power to heal and to set free. Maybe we don’t believe that He can or wants to. Maybe we forget at times, that He’s still the God of miracles, that He can do in a moments time what might take years for us to work through on our own.

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7116 Hits

I Need Something New

Life is full of broken dreams, heart ache, challenges, mind blinding circumstances and plans that feel like they keep falling short. It can feel at times like we’re living in the wilderness of self-defeat with different shades of pain and numbness. For many, we lose the hope to believe in the place called tomorrow or a new beginning.

In spite of these difficulties, God’s word stands solid as an anchor to take you to your promised land. God does not want you to remain where you are if you're feeling hopeless.

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6812 Hits

What To Do With This Fear, Worry, and Anxiety

I know many of us might be carrying an extra load of worry, anxiety and fear right now. Especially as we face so many tough situations, changes and unknowns. Sometimes it’s easy to choose to rely upon our own strength rather than upon God and His Word. If you’re anything like me, then you know that we can often forget that God can handle ANY problem. Or perhaps we think we can do a better job handling the situation ourselves. Either way, when we choose to lean on our own understanding instead of God's promises, we are placing ourselves, or the overwhelming situations we are facing, "before" the Lord.

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2062 Hits

Happy 25th Ministry Anniversary, Tammy

Tammy Trent 25th Ministry Anniversary

It has taken me days to process everything that happened last Monday night here in Nashville.

It was truly the biggest surprise of my life time. I had no idea that “girls night out” with my best friends was actually a planned for months "set up" surprise gathering at the elegant and luxurious Sambuca with some pretty amazing people that mean the world to me.

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8035 Hits

When It Hurts

There’s probably no deeper sadness that ever comes over the mind than the idea that we are all alone in this world. That no one cares, that no one sees us or hears us, that no one is concerned about anything that might happen to us, especially if we’re hurting and in pain.

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4028 Hits

When things aren't adding up, start subtracting!

We all have had people and “things” in our lives that feel important to us, but when something or someone is toxic and damaging to our lives we HAVE to consider removing it in order to achieve keep moving forward.

So decide what it is that stops you from changing, what it is that has been keeping you in one place for months or years possibly, what it is that holds you back from ALL that God has for you! Then you need to accept and realize the fact that these people or things are NOT good for you. They are not life giving nor God appointed.

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4442 Hits

Latest Blog

Tammy Trent
12 July 2024
Life can be unpredictable, can't it? One moment, everything seems smooth sailing, and the next, we're caught in a storm that rocks our faith to its co...