Happy 25th Ministry Anniversary, Tammy

Tammy Trent 25th Ministry Anniversary

It has taken me days to process everything that happened last Monday night here in Nashville.

It was truly the biggest surprise of my life time. I had no idea that “girls night out” with my best friends was actually a planned for months "set up" surprise gathering at the elegant and luxurious Sambuca with some pretty amazing people that mean the world to me.

I felt overwhelmed….I still feel overwhelmed….but as I walked up those stairs at Sambuca to be seated for dinner and started to recognize some familiar faces on the Rooftop Lounge and Terrace…my first thought was how fun that some of my friends are eating at Sambuca too. LOL Then I saw this enormous banner that said Congratulations….25…. with every one of my 7 album covers on it.

As I quickly started to piece it all together…in my shock…feeling beyond loved and celebrated...I started to cry like a baby realizing that all these people were here to cheer ME on and to honor my 25 years in ministry. Who was I to deserve such love and honor? It’s so hard for me to “receive”…but I must say, I savored every single moment and cried every other moment in between throughout the night feeling thankful to JESUS for HIS faithfulness to ME on this 25 year journey. Only one thing was missing…Trent…but I felt his love…even now.

Thank you to soo many friends, family and elite industry friends who came out to celebrate together during this crazy pandemic. Thank you to Anita for putting together such a fun fun video to my first #1 Hit song 25 years ago, YOUR LOVE IS 4 ALWAYS and to Gina for making this vision happen with all your sprinkles of love and attention to details. You two girls are beyond amazing. Thank you to all the special special people who sent me a video message to be played during the the countless texts and emails, letters and cards, Instagram and Facebook messages and thoughtful and fun gifts.

This night set a fire under my feet as I kept hearing the Lord saying….”Stay the course Tammy and Finish Strong.”

Honoring the Past, Celebrating the Present, Embracing the Future!!!

A Fellow traveler,

TT Signature

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If you're looking to experience a FUN night filled with music, stories, laughter, hope and the promises of Tammy Trent for your next event!! Authentic, passionate, funny and real. Tammy has a powerful story and infectious music that she soo beautifully melts together with a touch of humor and a deep passion for the hope she finds in Christ. She inspires audiences world-wide to live amazing lives through knowing Him intimately.

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