Saturday Morning Coffee Shops

Tammy Trent

It’s 7:00am on a beautiful cool crisp sunny Saturday morning and I’m sitting in a coffee shop alone in downtown Nashville trying to “hold it all in”….but my tears testify in this photo.

Soo many things encompassing my life the last couple months, has felt like a big ole pile of stress, anxiety and disappointment. I’ve been overwhelmed to say the least. And if one more thing arises I might need to sit in an empty room and rock back and forth until it all goes away….OR I could also just sit on a beach somewhere! That seems more like my style!

But I fully understand moments when we scream or whisper, “God it is enough! And I don’t know how much more I can handle”.

So what do we do with that?

Well, sometimes I lose it! And sometimes I sit in a coffee shop alone, like that Saturday morning, and can feel the easy tears roll down my face! The pain is real and every hurt I’ve ever had to navigate through over a life time seems to bounce around in my head and heart.

So if you’ve been feeling anything like I have, this is where I want to speak into your life in hopes that it will bring you some comfort as it has me while trying to find some relief.

Try to worship. Put on some worship music and thank God for everything that He has done and IS doing in your life, despite what feels like He's NOT doing. I know this may be difficult, but if we worship Him, we will start to feel a sense of strength and hope.

Also, take some time away from everything that is causing you stress and open the word of God, even for a moment. Sit in your room, a coffee shop or library, anywhere that feels peaceful and read His word. This will give us encouragement and remind us that God is with us always, even in these overwhelming times.

And finally, during times of stress, we sometimes forget to pray. We forget to do the simplest thing we can do and that is to go to God and ask Him for help. Go to Him with your struggles, anxiety, burdens and everything that is making you feel overwhelmed and He promises to lift that weight off of our shoulders. All we have to do is ask!

Matthew 11:28-30 "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

After finishing my coffee and reading that promise from God myself, I DO believe that He is capable of ALL that He says He’ll do…Lift this from us Jesus! Take it out of of our hands. Help us not to feel like we have to carry EVERYTHING alone. Quicken our minds to Your commitment and goodness towards us. We are free. We are soo loved by the Father.

Deep breath! Inhale slowly…exhale slowly.

Have the best week ever.

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