Knowing God in Both Ways

What a simply incredible week end it's been spent here in Niagara Falls Ontario. I flew up yesterday to join the 100 Huntley Street Women's Conference and we had a blast last night. Women came from all over Canada, but in particular there was a special group of Women that came from an Indian Reservation 14 hours away. They were sitting in the very back of the room, so I thought it would be cool, toward the end of my set, to get off the platform and make my way through the crowd all the way back to their group while singing AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS. One of the women in the group began to cry out uncontrollably as I was singing near her. She got louder and louder and so I began to sing peace peace peace over her as I layed my hands on her head and began to pray. She continued to get even louder releasing something deep inside of her. There was a prayer room right outside the door, so a few of her friends gently lead her to the prayer room as we all prayed for God to do something in her life.

The night continued on and we celebrated life, love and hope in Christ as we danced like crazy women in the front of the stage to MY IRREPLACEABLE and EVERYBODY MOVE WITH IT. I laugh thinking about it, cause I LOVE to see God's Girls Free and having fun and knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that we're loved and cherished JUST AS WE ARE! Soo cool.

As we brought the night to a close, Norma Jean Mainse of 100 Huntley Street jumped up to grab to the mic to give us all the amazing news. That precious women who was crying out was able to release some of the greatest pain and heartbreak her heart had ever known. Losing both of her sisters within the last 6 months took her very breath away and she didn't know how to live again without them. She screamed, she shouted and she cried out to God in totally release that He would come and rescue her. With open arms she let go and with open arms He surrounded her, and the healing began. What I love more than anything, is that following those deep painful tears, she began to smile until she laughed out loud in that prayer room. The Joy of the Lord was beginning to bring her back to life again. Praise God for this new day in her life. She was soo brave to stop holding it in…to let Go…and to let God! I was sooo honored to be apart of it in some small way. It gives my own pain purpose.

My message last night was clear. He is a God who doesn't just pull us from the fire, but some times He walks through the fire with us. We need to know Him in BOTH ways. We need to know him as the instant deliverer and also as our ever present help in time of need as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

And whether you're believing for instant deliverance or asking God to walk this out with you, you win either way, because God's presence causes us to rise up with wings like eagles and to run and never faint, to not get weary...and to make it.

If you've waited and prayed for instant deliverance and it hasn't happened, you realize that God has chosen to walk through this with you. And in the midst of it He says I'm here and I'm gonna give you the strength for your next step. I'm gonna give you the courage for your next breath. This might not change real quick, but in the midst of it you're gonna enter into the fellowship of my sufferings and you're gonna know me in a deeper way.

Christ wants us to know Him in both places. Instant miraculous deliverer and He who is ever faithful in His presence as He walks with us. Take heart of who He truly is at this very moment in your life.

Praying for an outpouring in your life,

Tammy Trent 

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Tammy Trent
12 July 2024
Life can be unpredictable, can't it? One moment, everything seems smooth sailing, and the next, we're caught in a storm that rocks our faith to its co...

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