It gets better! I promise.

It gets better! It might not seem like it right now, but I promise you, It will get better!

I have certainly experienced my share of heartbreak through the years and I wish I could tell you the exact time of the week when the sun will begin to shine again for you too, but I can’t.

But what I can tell you from my own experience is this, that your heart WILL begin to put itself back together again eventually, piece by piece. And one day you’ll look in the mirror and begin to recognize yourself again.

But the thing that people often get wrong is this…time isn’t your healer. Jesus is. And it’s up to us to let go and fully step into our healing. Jesus can’t redeem what we are not willing to release!

It doesn’t matter if years pass, though it may look like the rainy days are behind you, the clouds can still burst at any moment. So always stay guarded, protect your heart and remember who you are in Christ!

With Jesus your Healer, He digs into the deepest parts of your soul and doesn’t just “fix you”, He makes you new again.

So hold onto hope, that where you are, isn’t where you’ll always be. And believe in faith for your life, that God’s got more. God’s got new. God’s got better!

A fellow traveler,

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Tammy Trent
12 July 2024
Life can be unpredictable, can't it? One moment, everything seems smooth sailing, and the next, we're caught in a storm that rocks our faith to its co...

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