By Tammy Trent on Tuesday, 05 February 2013
Category: Inspiration

God is Preparing You Today

 May you take heart in knowing that God is preparing you for what He has already prepared for you! There is a new season that is already waiting for you. As you allow yourself to take on the fullness of God's processing in your life, He is doing a work in you already, even if you can't see it, so that you will be ready for the day when God opens up all the doors and allows you to walk into that new place. Maybe it's time to "clean house" so you can be fully ready for it. Don't let anything or any person hold you back from God's perfect will in your life right now.

I don't believe God gives us impossible dreams or unreachable desires. He gently takes us through life step by step so that when we face each new opportunity or challenge, we are ready in faith to choose to keep moving forward, always towards truth.

Your challenge right now is not to ask God why things around you are changing, in transition or falling apart, but rather perhaps to ask, "What's next? What can I learn from this?" There's a reason and purpose in our struggles or time of difficulties. The thing is, we have to find out what that is and begin to see our difficult time in perspective and how God is using it to prepare us. Search my friend. Search. The answers aren't all that far away. Some times we just like to keep circling the questions hoping we'll land on the "right answer" WE were hoping for. Trust God in this moment, that HE is STILL in control of your next season.

As true believers, we must never forget that God does not send "bad things" but He certainly uses them. And wow, do I sure understand and know that for my own life.

Thankful for you all today!

A fellow traveler,
Tammy Trent