By Tammy Trent on Thursday, 23 December 2021
Category: Inspiration

Chill in the Air!

I feel it all around me. The hot breath of summer has slowly changed to a refreshing chill in the air.

Change. There’s that word again!

There is change that grows us. Change that makes us better people. Change that opens our eyes to things that we were once blinded to. Change that forces us to reevaluate our motives or life goals. And all of these type of changes offer new opportunity…IF we choose to step into it.

For instance, I learned through a long season of change in my life, that I am much stronger than I thought. Things that may have crumbled me before, I’ve withstood by the grace of God and His settling peace in my life. But you know what? I also learned in that season of change that I am a complete and utter mess without God as my focus.

As life journeys forward I’m sure we’ll all experience plenty more change. Honestly, it’s doubtful that we’ll always handle it well; however, I can say of myself that I am truly proud of my growth and realization that I am not alone in my change. And neither are you.

“God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in time of need.” Psalm 46:1

May we all be challenged to look around us with new eyes this changing season and remind ourselves that we face nothing alone…through it all.