Tammy Trent - Women's Conference Speaker
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Do You Need A Miracle?

Happy Fall, Y’all!

I wanted to share an encouraging word with you today because I believe God is wanting to do something powerful in all our lives, especially if we’ve been praying and asking God for that miracle surrounding our circumstances. Sometimes, we look at the miracles in the Bible and think they were reserved for a different time, but the truth is, God is still in the miracle-working business. He’s just waiting for us to take that step of faith—however big or small it may seem—and trust Him.

Throughout Scripture, we see this pattern: obedience precedes the miracle. People at the tomb had to roll away the stone before Jesus raised Lazarus. The blind man had to wash in the pool of Siloam before he could see. The woman with the issue of blood had to press through the crowd and touch Jesus’ cloak for her healing. Moses had to stretch his hand over the Red Sea, and Peter had to cast his net after a night of fruitless fishing.

What do all these stories have in common? It was their obedience that unlocked the miraculous power of God. Sometimes, obedience is hard—I know—and to some, it may look simple, even mundane, but it paves the way for God’s extraordinary intervention. This is why the enemy fears it so much—because he knows that when we trust and align our will with the will of God, obey, and work WITH God, His power is released in our lives.

So today, whatever God is asking of you… if He is prompting you to do something, no matter how hard or even how small or insignificant it may seem, trust Him. Your obedience could be the very thing that brings forth the miracle you’ve been praying for. Step out in faith today, and watch what He will do!

It’s a good word for ALL of us right now as we continue to grow in our relationship with the Lord.

With Love and Faith,
Tammy Trent

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May 14, 2025 – North Shores, MI

August 16, 2025 – Marble Hill, MO

October 1, 2025 – Private Event

October 24-25, 2025 – Lubbock, TX

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