Q for TT: You have faced tragic loss in your life losing your husband over 14 years ago now, what hope can you offer others dealing with loss?
I wish I had all the right words to take away their hurt and pain. It’s such a long hard road. I’m not really sure that I have much to offer sometimes. But I have chosen to wear my heart on my shelve during my own journey back to life again, in hopes that it would help or inspire someone else to maybe be able to say, “Because of you I didn’t give up.” God is our ultimate hope. God is our ultimate healer and when we bring Him all our broken pieces, He will turn our ashes into beauty if we’ll let Him. Healing takes time and I know it’s hard, but we have to trust that God is STILL in control when everything else seems out of control. You are never alone and you will get through this….no somehow….but triumphantly.
Q for TT: What’s the biggest “God moment” that you’ve ever experienced, personal or professional? Details, please.
It was definitely the moment when I was at the lowest point in my life. I was two days into the grieving process from the tragic death of my husband and I was in a hotel room in Jamaica all alone crying out to God in the bathroom. I was soo numb and soo broken and soo lost and all I wanted was someone to hold me and tell me I was going to be ok. I missed the touch of my Mom especially. So I asked God, “If you can see “this girl”, if you can hear “this girl” could you please just send someone to hold me. I’m not asking for a thousand angels or a hundred angels, but just ONE angel that would hold me. God if you’re real could you do that for me.” I opened my eyes and began to walk out of that bathroom and into my room. I could hear someone in the other room from the ajoining door. I made my way over to that opening in the doorway and saw a beautiful Jamaican woman standing there. I asked her if she could come into my room and make my bed. Then she looked at me with the sweetest of compassion and said, “I’ve been trying to get to you. I could hear you crying and I’ve been trying to get to you. Could I just come in and hold you?” Wow! Wow! Wow! I knew at that very moment in my life that yes Tammy, God is very real and You are never alone. He answered my cry and it was the biggest “God moment” of my life.
Q for TT: What’s the song that you just can’t get out of your head right now (from another artist or band). Why do you like it so much?
“Beneath Your Beautiful” Emeli Sande’. Because I know even on my own journey of love and loss, I have sometimes built up my own walls against falling in love again and being afraid of what that might look like. When the right one comes along I can imagine him singing such a lyric to me. “Would you let me see beneath your beautiful?…” basically asking me to open up my heart and let him in. I hope when that day comes, and it’s truly from God, I’ll be able to truly open up and take off any mask.
Q for TT: What does a normal day at home look like for you? Morning to Night.
I can’t lie. I like to sleep in. That means I don’t set my alarm before 9am. J And another truth is that I love to stay in my sweat pants for as long as the day will let me around the house. I’m not a coffee drinker, so you’ll never find a cup of that stuff in my hands LOL Well, maybe if it has lots of cream and sugar, then maybe it will go down. I love doing Body Pump at the gym 3 or 4 times a week. Summer time you’ll find me out at my pool during the day hanging with my family and friends grilling out. Mowing the grass, trimming and pruning the trees and shrubs. Painting anything that needs it. Fixing the furnace or replacing a light fixture. In other words, there is always something fun to do around the house, but I LOVE being outside. And in the Winter you’ll find me laying by the fireplace or out in the front yard making snow angles for all the neighbors to see whenever it snows. LOL But you’ll never find me in bed before 11pm.
Q for TT: For those who are reading this, and feeling worried, unsure or anxious about their life circumstances, what advice can you give them?
Life is filled with beginnings and endings. Some people call them chapters in life. Bankruptcy, loss of a child or spouse, death of a dream, a friendship that failed, fired from a job, end of a marriage, end of a career, or a ministry that didn’t make it. But here’s the really cool part, we get to write the next chapter of our lives. Nobody can write it for you. You have to write it yourself. That means you have to make some choices for your life today, and trust me, I know they’re not easy. Everything in my life has been shaken. All my plans have crumbled. But I am still standing, and deep within, I know I am stronger than I have ever been in my faith, my purpose and where God has me today. I have known the depths of heartache and I have also known the even greater depths of God’s love and sustaining power ,and you can to. Keep choose life today and allow God to breathe in your direction.
Q for TT: For those who feel that God is far away from them, is there a piece of advice (from your own life or otherwise) that you can tell us that will uplift and motivate us in our walk with God?
The first thing that comes to mind would be that we can’t interrupt our numbness as God’s absence in our lives. There is never a time when Jesus is not aware of every detail of our lives. We have to get to a place where we trust Him with every breath we take, because life is filled with failures, disappointments and pain. But the love of God and His commitment to us never changes…even when life does.
Q for TT: Do you have any habits or traditions that you do before you perform or speak publicly?
I’m sure this may sound like a given, but I don’t take ANY platform without first asking the Lord to anoint me in that place. I learned early on in my career that I cannot do any of this without the Lord. I never take that for granted and how very much I need Him.
Q for TT: And finally, if someone wants to get in touch with you for a concert or speaking engagement, how can they do that?
They can contact my Ministry Coordinator Anita Daneker at who would be more than happy to answer any questions and send out materials to consider booking me in for a concert, women’s conference or event.
Next 5 Events
May 14, 2025 – North Shores, MI
August 16, 2025 – Marble Hill, MO
October 1, 2025 – Private Event
October 24-25, 2025 – Lubbock, TX
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Right In The Thick Of A Battle
Hello everybody! I hope you’re doing wonderful…and Happy Thanksgiving! I just returned from Southeast Asia with Life Outreach International, overwhelmed with gratitude for all the